Installation And Setup

When a customer purchases medical equipment, The company may offer to install and set up the equipment in the customer’s facility. This can include physically installing the equipment, connecting it to power and other utilities, and ensuring that it is properly configured and ready for use.

Technical Support

Medical equipment can be complex, and users may sometimes need help troubleshooting issues or understanding how to use certain features. We offer technical support to customers to help them resolve any problems they encounter with their equipment. This could include phone or online support.

Maintenance & Repairs

Medical equipment requires regular maintenance and servicing to ensure that it continues to function properly. We offer maintenance and repair services to its customers to help them keep their equipment in good working order. This can include regular check-ups and servicing, as well as repairs when needed.


The company also provide training to the customer’s staff on how to use the equipment. Resources to help customer service teams effectively assist and support customers, including troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and best practices for handling customer inquiries and complaints.

Electrical Safety Test (EST)

Ensuring patient and operator safety with our portable test solutions. It is crucial that medical equipment is electrically safe for patients and users in a healthcare environment. Biomedical safety testing is paramount at Rigel and our portable, lightweight electrical safety analyzers are fast.

Planned Preventive Maintenance

Planned Preventative Maintenance schedules minimize the downtime of equipment by spotting potential failures in the equipment as early as possible. Continued Maintenance Contracts are made simpler to oversee by utilizing PPM Schedules to plan.